The Terms & Conditions of Carriage (“the Terms”) constitute a legally binding contract between the purchaser (“the Customer”) of services from New Bharat Coaches Ltd. trading as Bus to School (“the Operator”).
School Bus Pass
The purchase of an Annual Bus Pass (“a Bus Pass”) constitutes a legally binding contract between the Customer and the Operator for the travel of a Passenger or Passengers to and from a specific School Bus Stop.
A Bus Pass is issued at the start of each Academic Year. An Academic Year atypically consists of 3 terms – autumn, spring and summer starting from the 1 September to the 31 July of the following calendar year.
A Bus Pass is not transferable between passengers or for schools, routes and/or other Bus Stops.
A valid bus is issued once payment is made.
It should be noted that there are limited spaces available on each School Bus Route and a Pass is only available on a first-come-first-serve basis. The Operator is under no obligation to increase the capacity for any School Bus Route.
The Customer may procure a Bus Pass for someone else other than members of their immediate family but would still be liable for all charges incurred & subject to the same Terms & Conditions herein.
A Bus Pass may be purchased or renewed from the Operator online or by phone. In the case of the later an additional administrative charge of £30 would be due.
Registration Travel Costs
Your first payment is your initial registration payable by Credit or Debit Card when acquiring a Bus Pass.
The Cost of travel is split more or less evenly over the academic year with each instalment due prior to the start of each term.
A concession or discount is available of 5% for the payment in full of the annual bus pass before the start of the Academic Year.
Refunds & Breach of Contract
A terms notice is required for the cancellation of a School Bus. In lieu of notice the next terms instalment would still be due. The cancellation can be made online or in writing to the Operator. The operator will in turn confirm in writing advising of any payments that may still be due & the customers account updated accordingly.
The cancellation of direct debit is interpreted as a breach of contract in which case the Operator reserves the right to claim any remaining sums due for the Academic Year together with any administrative costs incurred. In such instances the Operator is under no obligation to provide or resume any future transport for the Customer or Passenger.
Roles & Responsibilities for Customers & Passengers
A Bus Pass must be produced by passengers on each day of travel else the Operators drivers may refuse travel.
All Passengers are expected to use the seat belts on any vehicles provided by the Operator. The Operator assumes no responsibility or liability if any of the safety measures provided by it are not employed or utilised.
C.C.T.V is utilised on the Operators Vehicles. The footage is recorded for the safety of our passengers and staff it may be used in any prosecution for vehicle damage or abusive or violent behaviour between passengers and/or staff.
Should a Passenger behave rudely or become abusive or violent the driver can refuse travel.
In the event that a Bus Pass is cancelled for the above mentioned reasons no refunds will be issued as such behaviour would be considered as a breach of the contract.
Coach & Bus Breakdown
In the event of a breakdown, bad weather or safety concerns where service cannot be provided, the Operator will not issue any refunds or any compensation whatsoever.
The Operator in such event would take all reasonable effort & measures to alert Customers & assist in the arrangement of alternative travel for passengers. The Operator would not however be liable for any third party costs.
Contract Cancellation
The Operator reserves the right to cancel a Bus Pass. In this event Customers will be notified in writing 30 days in advance & any sums due would be refunded on a pro-rota basis together with the Registration Fee.
Routes & Bus Stops Changes
The Operator reserves the right to change and/or cancel School Bus Routes & Stops. In this event Customers will be notified in writing 30 days in advance & any sums due would be refunded on a pro-rota basis together with the Registration Fee.
Complaints & Correspondence
Any complaints should in the first instance be communicated to the Operator and not the School. In the event that a resolution cannot be found the Operator would be prepared to engage in dialogue through third-party mediation.
Third Party
No third party shall have any right under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce any of these Terms and Conditions.